Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hang Time with God

Since we kicked off our new series, HABITS, on Tuesday with Drew starting off teaching on Hanging out with God, I wanted to see what ya'll thought. How are you doing on hanging out with God? Is it weird? Does it feel normal? Do you feel like he's there? Can you hear him talking to you? I encourage you to keep going! Post any questions, thoughts, comments so we can encourage each other and give more of our own personal examples. BTW, so you know what to look forward to in this series, the acronym for HABITS is:
Hang time with God
Accountability with another believer
Bible Memorization
Involvement with the church body
Tithing commitment
Study Scripture


carl said...

Dana this looks like a great series. What an awesome foundation to learn so very early in life. HABITS that will ancor a persons life and relationship in Dad. I love the acronym. HABITS. Just seeing it rocks me, and convicts me that i can never stop growing and I must continue to work on my relationship with my father. This sounds like exciting stuff, stuff that any son or daughter of God should rap thier heads around, gosh I know I should.

By the way how is the pope these day's?
